Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sketches from Chianti

Well, I just returned from Cinque terre today and am utterly knackered. I had originally planned to post Cinque terre pics ASAP and blog but judging by the fact THAT I HIKED 11 MILES IN HALF A DAY it seems fairly unlikely. Fairly.

But I shall satiate your blog lust with my sketches from Chianti!

7.12.2010 Castelnuovo

7.12.10 Castelnuovo park view

7.13.2010 San Gusme'

7.14.2010 La Porta del Chianti, San Gusme'

7.15.2010 Villa Arceno Vineyards, San Gusme'

Ciao ciao for now,


PS Award for most serendipitous meeting today goes out to the Doan Family!! I cannot, absolutely cannot, believe we ran into each other in Vernazza and Monterosso al Mare! I must applaud fate--or perhaps, the beauty of facebook status updates ;)

**EDIT** Just got permission to post this bad boy!

Buongiorno, la mia famiglia!

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