To make sure that I get my moneys worth from the Amici Degli Uffizi card, after lunch I headed straight to the Boboli Gardens and Pitti Palace, and, by the way, I still love seeing 0 Euros as my cost on the ticket (!!!). It was absolutely gorgeous weather today, so I brought my trusty sketchbook and Country Gentleman Hat. I found a great view near the Porcelain Gallery and sweat --er, sketched-- away. Needless to say, after a few hours in the sun, I definitely needed one of these Medici-sized baths:
Anyway, I hope your day Sunday unfolded nicely and was something a go-go!
Cypress Alley
Note: I love cypresses! Cypressi? Who knows. I think I started loving them since I discovered Van gogh's minor obsession with them, too...
The View from the Porcelain Museum
The interpretation. Hm, more poor man's French Impressionist than 15th-century Leonardo da Vinci, but it'll do! I got a little lazy with the tower dimensions so it's on a diet too. Apologies for the poor lighting; LdM apparently doesn't believe in AC or central lighting in student apartments...
hahaha I like the "rude British woman" link :D